Resepi dan cara membuat kek pisang

Resepi dan cara membuat kek pisang. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat kek pisang dan cara memasak kek pisang sehingga siap untuk dimakan. Anda boleh rujuk resepi dan cara membuat kek pisang disini.

Bahan-bahan :

3- 4 biji pisang emas (saiz sederhana)- dilenyek2
1 cawan gula pasir
3/4 cawan minyak masak
3 - 4 biji telur gred A
2 cawan tepung gandum diayak
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
Sedikit baking powder
Secubit garam (Kalau suka)

Cara membuat :

1. Panaskan oven ke suhu 180 darjah Celcius api atas bawah.
2. Sediakan loyang & sapukan margerin serta alaskan kertas minyak kalau suka
3. Pukul gula, telur, minyak dalam mangkuk hingga kembang & sebati
4. Masukkan tepung(+baking powder) dan kacau rata dengan senduk.
5. Masukkan pisang, esen vanilla (+garam) . Gaul sebati.
6. Tuang adunan ke dalam loyang dan masak dalam oven selama 40 - 45 minit atau hingga kek bertukar keperangan.
7. Cucuk tengah kek dengan lidi sate untuk mengetahui samada kek dah masak dengan sempurna ataupun tidak.

Resepi dan cara membuat kek pisang

Dah siap. Resepi dan cara membuat kek pisang. Sekarang tiba masanya untuk kita makan :)

Source and citation:

Anda mungkin menyukai:

Resepi dan cara membuat kek lapis masam manis
Resepi dan cara membuat kek lapis pelangi
Resepi dan cara membuat kek lapis sarawak
Resepi dan cara membuat kek coklat
Resepi dan cara membuat cup cake

Another Feedback

NOT GLUTEN FREE! Be careful with this one. I made it for my brother as he is wheat and gluten intolerant. After I had made it I just happened to check the polenta packet and it said it contained gluten. Thankfully I noticed before my brother ate any. I think this recipe could still be successful without the polenta as it really did not seem to do anything except add a horrible grainy texture to the cake. Tasted ok, but definately not my favourite.
Well, to be fair, the recipe says "is easily *made* gluten-free", not "is gluten-free". Of course it won't be unless you make the necessary changes. When you see a lasagna recipe that says "may substitute vegetables for meat", would you post "NOT VEGAN!"?
REALLY impressed with this cake! I bake a lot and was really dubious about a cake with no butter and sugar but it's lovely. It only took 50 mins and i put a layer of foil over for the last 20 mins to prevent burning. It's like a cross between malt loaf and christmas cake, will definitely be making this again!

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